- When: Friday, June 1, 2018 from 11.45 to 18.00
The Amsterdam Center for Health Communication (ACHC) in collaboration with the RPA Communication is organising the symposium Digital (Big) Data and Health Communication: Changes in Research and Practice with a program in Dutch and in English.
The program includes keynote speakers Dhavan V. Shah (University of Wisconsin), presenting “Digital Traces and Social Ties: How Computational Social Science is Transforming Communication Research”, and Conrad S. Tucker (Pennsylvania State University), discussing “From Data to Knowledge: Leveraging the Power of Big Data and Machine Learning in Healthcare”, as well as presentations (in Dutch) by Katherina Martín Abello (Jamzone), Mies van Eenbergen (Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland), Sandra Migchielsen (Gezondheidfabriek), Remco Sanders (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Ayla Schwarz (Ghent University), Hans Vehof (Hogeschool Utrecht) and Suzan Verberne (Universiteit Leiden).