On Thursday May 19 Prof. Shyam Sundar will give a special lecture on the effects of AI media.
Mr. Sundar’s presentation, co-sponsored by the Digital Communication Methods Lab, will overview different ways of conceptualizing the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in human communication. It will present key concepts and concerns in the study of AI. It will introduce the speaker’s theoretical framework for human-AI interaction (HAII) based on the theory of interactive media effects (TIME), and describe recent studies that apply his HAII-TIME model to content moderation and recommendation systems.
About the speaker
Shyam Sundar is a professor of Media Effects at Penn State and has an expertise in Internet Uses & Effects, Social Media Trends, Web Interfaces, Mobile Media, Psychology of Human-Computer/Human-Robot Interaction.
Please find more information and a short bio here.
If you would like to attend the (hybrid) lecture (May 19, 3:30 p.m.), please email ascor-secr-fmg@uva.nl by May 16.